11th Mount Dora Blueberry Festival
Sat April 26 & 27, 2025 9am-5pm
Donnelly Park - 530 N. Donnelly St in the heart of Mount Dora, Florida

The local blueberry industry is celebrated during the peak of Blueberry season in Lake county at this annual event. Local Blueberry Farms will sell berries freshly picked from their farms along with fresh blueberry products. Crafters, live music, pancake breakfast, blueberry beer, wine and a blueberry pie eating contest will also be featured at this FREE event.
No hassle parking and shuttle ride to the event at 900 N. Lincoln Ave. $10 to park all day. The round trip shuttle ride is FREE! Proceeds to benefit Kiwanis Club scholarships for students.
Blueberry Pancakes
Make sure you get tickets to the fresh blueberry pancake breakfast. All berries are locally sourced from farms in Lake County, Florida.
Limited tickets will be available.

Pick FRESH Blueberries at local farms or get some pre-picked and packed at this year’s Mount Dora Blueberry Festival

Blueberry Pie Eating Contest

The highly anticipated Mount Dora Blueberry Pie Eating contest is held at 2PM on both Sat and Sun every year on the main stage so be sure to catch one. There is a limit of 10 contestants in each group: YOUTH up to 12 years old and ADULT over 12 years old. Entry is FREE. Sign up at the stage before 1PM to secure your spot to compete to WIN a fresh baked blueberry pie, an official Mount Dora Blueberry Festival T-Shirt, and the annual bragging rights!


Fresh baked pies are prepared by students from Umatilla High School. Blueberries are graciously donated by Amberbrook Farms and all pie sale proceeds help purchase equipment and supplies for their Culinary Program.